Open To Work

Hi, my name is Sebastián

I'm a full-stack developer with 2+ years of experience, a fan of exploring new technologies and JavaScript.



Probably my favorite language to work with, the ecosystem is amazing. Most of my learning projects start with this incredible language. I have tested Next.js, Nest.js, React, Astro, and Node.js.


Essentially, I know CSS and HTML, and I have worked with Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, and SASS.

Also, as a frontend developer, I have experience in designing and prototyping with Figma.


It changed my mind and opened me up to work with new technologies and frameworks like WindowsForms, Xamarin or .NET Framework


I have worked with MySql, SQL SERVER and my favorite one a non-relational database ¡MongoDB!


  1. 2022

    EXA Solutions

    Years later, my curiosity has flourished, and I've challenged myself to learn all I can. This year, a company contacted me to design and implement the frontend for certain parts of their application.

    EXA Solutions
  2. 2023


    I began as a backend developer with .NET, creating a series of financial calculators. Later, I transitioned to experimenting with different technologies, including Windows Forms and Xamarin, all using C#.

  3. 2024


    I joined the team as a full-stack developer, leveraging my knowledge from the .NET ecosystem. Quickly adapting, I transitioned to PHP, mastering Laravel and Livewire. Additionally, I deployed an application with Azure.


Any proyect?